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Success through collaboration

Welcome to

Rosedale College

At Rosedale College, we are committed to offering students a learning experience that is rich, varied and responsive to their needs and abilities. We aim to stimulate enthusiastic and purposeful learning based on open-minded and skilful enquiry, creative and critical thinking and generous spirit of cooperation. 

We strive to create a learning environment that is safe, efficient and attractive and which reflects pride in our work. In essence, a learning environment that values our students and is in turn valued by them. 

Children Achieving the Expected Standard

  • Rosedale College
  • National Average
  • English and Mathematics GCSE score for grade 4 or above

  • English and Mathematics GCSE score for grade 5 or above

  • Attainment 8 score for GCSE

  • One to one communication between college and home is ongoing and evidenced. Emails, texts, phone calls, easy access to staff and a vertical pastoral system ensure effective liaison with parents, carers and guardians. College planners are in place and checked on a regular basis. General communication is also very good, including a good website, texts, emails, plasma screen in the reception area and weekly Newsletters all in place.

  • Parents praised the excellent communication between home and college, the open and easy access to staff. They appreciate the detailed information re the students’ progress and the College’s strong sense of community. “My son sky rocketed here, “It’s a marvellous school”. “The college provides extra provision, bespoke, targeted support”.