Standards and Expectations
We have high expectations of our students’ behaviour, attitudes to work and dress.
Independent learners are effective learners. Through our broad curriculum and as part of our enrichment programme, we develop the skills of independent learning, time management, organisation and presentation across all subject areas. Students are expected to behave at all times in a way that reflects pride in themselves as individuals and as members of the College.
We aim for continued improvement in levels of attainment and involve students in setting targets and monitoring their own progress, and encourage them to develop a sense of responsibility for their learning. We place equal importance on providing extra challenges to our most academically able students, ensuring that they have access to creative and open-ended lines of enquiry and opportunities for further learning, adding depth and breadth to their studies.
Learning, development, progress; vital for our students, and also our staff. We aim for the most effective combination of traditional methods and modern approaches, backed by the latest developments in technology. Aiming for the same goals, sharing ideas and supporting each other – these are the principles to which we work, as a team, to offer our best to our students and to get their best from them.