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Policy Documents

Please see our college policies below. Parents, guardians and carers can request a paper copy of all the information on our website from reception.

  1. Admissions Policy (2022 to 2023) - Rosedale College
  2. Admissions Policy (2023 to 2024) - Rosedale College
  3. Admissions Policy (2024 to 2025) - Rosedale College
  4. Admissions Policy - Post 16 TRUST - 2023
  5. Anti Bullying Policy Rosedale College
  6. Behaviour and Relationships Policy - Rosedale College
  7. Bursary Policy 16 - 19 (2021 - 2022) - Rosedale College
  8. Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) Policy - Rosedale College
  9. Catch up Premium Plan (2020 - 2021) - Rosedale College
  10. Charging and Remissions Policy - TRHAT
  11. Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy - Rosedale College
  12. Complaints Procedure - TRHAT
  13. Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing)
  14. Data Protection - Rosedale College
  15. Equality - Rosedale College
  16. Exclusion Policy Rosedale College
  17. Freedom of Information - Rosedale College
  18. General Data Protection - Rosedale College
  19. Home School Agreement - Rosedale College
  20. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
  21. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 - Information for all school and college staff
  22. Managing Student Attendance Policy Sept 2023
  23. Marking and Assessment - Rosedale College
  24. Prevent Strategy -TRHAT
  25. Privacy Statement - Rosedale College
  26. Provider Access Statement 2023 2025
  27. Pupil Premium Policy - Rosedale College
  28. Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023 to 2024
  29. Pupil Premium- (2019 - 2020) - Rosedale College
  30. Relationships, Sex and Health Education in the Secondary Phase Sept 2023
  31. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (September 2023) - Rosedale College
  32. SEND and Inclusion Policy
  33. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report 2023 - 2024
  34. Supporting Children with Medical Needs (Including Astham), and The Administration of Medicines Policy (Rosedale College ) Sept 2023
  35. Target Setting - Rosedale College
  36. Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegations - TRHAT
  37. Health and Safety Policy