Year 8 Options Evening
The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust will be holding its annual Key Stage 3 Options Evening on Tuesday 28th February 2023. The day will involve all Year 8 students participating in a range of activities that will assist them in making an informed decision about their GCSE options. We will have visitors from the Education Development Trust to conduct a session with all students on how to go about choosing GCSE options. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions within a small setting so that they can be best equip to make the best decisions in terms of the GCSE subjects they wish to study.
All Year 8 students and their parent, guardian or carer are invited to attend an evening presentation at Rosedale College. The evening presentation is in addition to the information your child has received through the Options Assemblies, as well as the activities they will carry out during Options Day. During the course of the evening, all Year 8 students as well as their parents, guardians or carer will be able to speak to staff about the variety of GCSE options available. Each subject area will have a display board set up in the canteen containing all the relevant information needed for them to make an informed decision about their future. There will also be a presentation in the main Hall explaining to parents, guardians and carers the process of choosing Options and how the Key Stage 4 day is structured.
The evening will start promptly at 5:30pm and staff will be available until 7:00pm. In order to facilitate the organisation of the evening careful consideration has been given to the direct impact that Options Day will have on lessons throughout the day. As such, it has been decided that all Year 8 students will be dismissed from College at 2:30pm. The rest of the students will finish at the normal time of 4:00pm. On Wednesday 1st March, all lessons will resume at the normal time of 8:45am.
Please feel free to view the Key Stage 4 Curriculum and the Options Booklet below.
Once you have carefully considered your options and made a decision about which subjects you wish to study at Key Stage 4, you should complete the options grid provided at the end of this document. The completed grid should then be returned electronically via the Options Form button below by no later than Friday 3th March, 2023.